
Name of consultant / Supported language / Area 1 / Area 2 / Area 3

Jana Matošková / CZ & EN / Knowledge management / Human resource management
Boris Popesko / CZ & EN / Company Economics & Finance / Management  / Accounting
Vratislav Kozák / CZ / Marketing / CRM
Felicita Chromjáková / CZ & EN / Industrial Engineering / Production Managemen
Pavla Staňková  / CZ / Marketing / Management in healthcare / Design management
Denisa Hrušecká / CZ & EN / Logistics / Business information systems
Petr Briš  / CZ & EN /  Quality Management,
Šárká Papadaki / CZ & EN /  Management Accounting / Health Economics
Mirka Dolejšová / CZ & EN / Statistical methods / Quantitative Methods
Aleš Gregar / CZ & EN / Human resource management / Management
Lukáš Danko / CZ & EN / Regional development/ Cluters/Public administration
Lubor Homolka / CZ & EN / Statistical methods / Quantitative Methods

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